Guido Wilhelm Frey, 1939-2000

Guido Wilhelm Frey  was born Monday, September 4, 1939 in Hamburg, Germany .

he died Thursday, July 6, 2000. his recorded age was 60.

he was a veteran  and served in the Korean War.

his remains can be found at Flint Cemetery in plot 3  - lot 38  - space #1 south (view map) .
Arrangements were made by Schoedinger Funeral Service. The burial took place on Tuesday, July 11, 2000.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.

FREY Guido Wilhern Frey, age 60, of Upper Arlington, died July 6, 2000 at O.S.U. Medical Center. Survived by his wife, Irene Frey; sisters, Yvonne Schorpp of Germany and Angelike Struntz of the State of Washington. Graveside service 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Flint Cemetery, 2 lights north of 270 on Rt. 23 to Flint Rd., then * mile east on Flint.