news item Pleased With Light Worthington News Herman Plesenton Jeffers, Sr., 1876-1958 (Author) Thursday, October 12, 1950
news item Traffic Light at Jeffers Corners Now in Operation Worthington News Thursday, October 12, 1950
news item Council Seeking To Preserve Local Park Site Areas Worthington News Thursday, November 19, 1964
news item Area To Be Affected by Proposed Relocation of River Road Worthington News Carl M. Broberg, 1928-2001 (Author) Thursday, January 14, 1965
news item Council Endorses The Relocation Of State Route 315 Worthington News Thursday, January 28, 1965
news item Public Hearing On Proposed Freeway Is Scheduled March 5 Worthington News Glenna Mendenhall Taylor, ?-1969 (Author) Thursday, March 4, 1965
news item Olentangy Freeway, Approved by Columbus, Affects Local Area Worthington News Thursday, January 27, 1966
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Frank Gobel Corbin, 1909-1978 (Author) Kathryn (Kay) Emma Overfield Moor (née Carsey), 1914-1999 (Author) (Author) Thursday, May 5, 1966
news item Freeway Initiative Petitions Will Be Circulated Here Worthington News Glenna Mendenhall Taylor, ?-1969 (Author) Thursday, May 12, 1966
news item Zoning Board postpones decisions on two rezonings Worthington News Thursday, August 27, 1970
news item Zoning Commission Recommends Approval On Rezoning Requests Worthington News Thursday, March 25, 1971
news item Council to allow fill in floodplain for freeway Worthington News Thursday, February 16, 1978
news item Work continues this winter on Olentangy Freeway Worthington News Thursday, December 14, 1978
news item Unique landscaping plan adopted for new Olentangy freeway Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Thursday, January 31, 1980
news item Hard Road/Rt. 315 intersection scheduled for Nov. completion Worthington News Alan Froman (Author) Wednesday, August 5, 1992
news item Ramp to connect I-270 Rt. 315 is planned This Week in Worthington Joyce Bibey (Author) Monday, April 18, 1994
news item Traffic light coming to busy intersection Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Frank Esposito (Author) Wednesday, May 25, 1994
news item Route 162 MDC considers opening door to rezoning This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, July 11, 1994
news item Link between Route 315 and I-670 to begin in August Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Wednesday, July 26, 1995
news item Public invited to see 161 alternatives This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, August 28, 1995
news item 161 road widening may displace park, business, school This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, September 4, 1995
news item Wall along Route 315 continues to crumble Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Wendy M. Lomano (Author) Wednesday, September 20, 1995
news item Worthington opposes efforts to hike 315 speeds Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, May 15, 1996
news item Riverwalk officals not concerned with floodplain revision Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, June 26, 1996
news item State to Worthington: 'Full speed ahead' Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, July 3, 1996
news item Hard Road widening plans held up at Hard Road Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Kent Cahlander (Author) Wednesday, July 31, 1996
news item Let's clean up Route 315 Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Gary Zeune (Author) Wednesday, April 9, 1997
news item Route 315 ramps to OSU hospitals eyed This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, April 29, 1998
news item Project bid awarded before necessary permit received This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, May 13, 1998
news item OSU-315 ramps may get a $3.5M boost This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, June 3, 1998
news item State to widen Rt. 315 This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, June 24, 1998
news item Worthington officials see no problem with 315 widening Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, July 1, 1998
news item Residents turned off by Rt. 315 lighting plan This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, July 15, 1998
news item Route 315 project moving again with EPA approval This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, July 22, 1998
news item Route 315 project draws few concerns Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, July 22, 1998
news item 315 project spawns more concerns Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, July 29, 1998
news item More closings and some openings on 315 This Week in Worthington Michael Racey (Author) Wednesday, September 9, 1998
news item Council searches for the light This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, September 23, 1998
news item ODOT looks at lighting compromise Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, September 23, 1998
news item 100-foot light towers rejected This Week in Worthington Matt Emery (Author) Wednesday, September 30, 1998
news item Residents win fight for shorter light poles Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, September 30, 1998
news item Culvert replacement closes state route 315 Worthington News (SNP) Tiffany Volpe (Author) Wednesday, July 7, 1999
news item Trustees hear update on road closing Worthington News (SNP) Mahhen Ghouse (Author) Wednesday, July 14, 1999
news item Hot 315 tempers will last until fall Worthington News (SNP) Mark Claffey (Author) Wednesday, July 21, 1999
news item NCC may sit out this connector fight Worthington News (SNP) A. Kevin Corvo (Author) Wednesday, June 7, 2000
news item New 270-Sawmill interchange to be unique in Ohio Worthington News (SNP) Alicia Robinson (Author) Wednesday, August 2, 2000
news item ODOT to examine I-270 interchanges This Week in Worthington Dan Eaton (Author) Thursday, August 14, 2003
news item Council hesitant to support freeway project Worthington News (SNP) Katie Lombardi (Author) Wednesday, November 19, 2003
news item Public gets a look at ODOT's proposal This Week in Worthington Dan Eaton (Author) Thursday, February 19, 2004
news item Truck wreck happened on notorious 315 ramp This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, April 8, 2004
news item ODOT's plan draws council's fire This Week in Worthington Danielle Dillon (Author) Thursday, May 13, 2004
news item ODOT's plan draws council's ire Worthington News (SNP) Danielle Dillon (Author) Wednesday, May 19, 2004
news item Don't widen High Street, council tells ODOT This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, May 20, 2004
news item ODOT to host I-270 meeting June 9 This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, June 3, 2004
news item New flashing light to alert drivers to 'hot spot' This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, June 3, 2004
news item Work could start in 2006 on I-270 interchanges This Week in Worthington Dan Eaton (Author) Thursday, June 17, 2004
news item State Route 315 will be closed starting Monday This Week in Worthington Justin Paprocki (Author) Wednesday, July 28, 2004
news item Sound wall construction will cause lane closures Worthington News (SNP) Wednesday, August 4, 2004
news item State unveils extensive I-270 plans Worthington News (SNP) Brittiny Dunlap (Author) Wednesday, March 22, 2006
news item ODOT's proposal concerns council Worthington News (SNP) Brittiny Dunlap (Author) Wednesday, March 22, 2006
news item ODOT's proposal concerns council Worthington News (SNP) Brittiny Dunlap (Author) Wednesday, March 29, 2006
news item 315 repairs may be finished by mid-week Worthington News (SNP) Kathleen L. Radcliff (Author) Wednesday, May 10, 2006
news item Worthington in talks with ODOT on intersection improvements This Week in Worthington Mark Edward Major, 1967-2008 (Author) Thursday, January 25, 2007
news item Exit ramp into city will get attention soon Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, June 13, 2007
news item ODOT to fix dangerous I-270 to S.R. 315 ramp This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, June 14, 2007
news item Odot hopes third lane will make ramps safer Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, April 2, 2008
news item Passenger dead, driver injured in Monday collision Worthington News (SNP) Kathleen L. Radcliff (Author) Wednesday, October 29, 2008
news item Traffic being detoured as S.R. 315 overpass is repaired This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, October 30, 2008
news item Construction to hinder those who use portions of 315 Worthington News (SNP) Donovan Campbell (Author) Wednesday, June 10, 2009
news item Two summers' worth of work on state Route 315 nears end Worthington News (SNP) Donovan Campbell (Author) Wednesday, July 28, 2010
news item Bike path likely will be closed 18 months likely starting in 2020 This Week Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, October 23, 2014