Soccer: Wolves girls squad enjoying turnaround

"Soccer: Wolves girls squad enjoying turnaround" was published on Thursday, September 24, 2015 in This Week Worthington News, page A17. Brad Emerine is the Author. Joshua A. Bickel is the Photographer. It includes a graphic.

It covers the location Worthington .

It covers the topics school sports and soccer. It features the people Courtney Irwin, Kylie Kott, Sadie Giesman, Sarah Johnson, Kelsey Nadolson, Annie Mosca, Grace DeLuca, Avery Filicky, Elizabeth Cockerham, Rian Reid, Kaylyn Schaffranek, Gillian Holman, Brenan Lawrence, Trent Castle, Amar Alneme, Jaxson Szabo, Liam McGill, Andrew (Drew) George, 1997-2019, George Pearon, Jeff Taylor, Clark Moats, George Watters, Jason Bowen and Breanne Beatty. It features the organizations Worthington Kilbourne High School and Thomas Worthington High School.

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