Memory Makers Contest: First Place

The results for the fall 2004 My Worthington Memory Makers Contest are in! Congratulations to the following students in Mrs. Riggs' and Mrs. Hoffman's third grade class for their first place entry: Olivia, Rachel, Ben, Kevin, Clare, Kaylyn, Taylor, James, Zach, Max, Mark, Ali, Mary Beth, Melanie, and Austin!

"Colonial Hills Elementary School Third Graders Present A Scrapbook Page of Worthington's History," created by Students from Mrs. Riggs' and Mrs. Hoffman's Class.

There were lots of trees and more nature back then. Our parents weren't even born when this school was opened. Now more structures have been added to the building like sidewalks, playgrounds, and a paved road. We like it better now with a playground. Some of our friends' parents went to school here and we hope they had a playground. The field behind the school is where we have Field Day competitions. We think the field is bigger now. We think some of the trees have been cut down. We think our school has gotten better because of the changes. We think it is cool that Worthington changed from a town to a city because the area Colonial Hills became part of Worthington!

We wondered how the club became named the Kit-Kat Club. We wondered if the candy bar called the Kit-Kat came out first. We noticed that this bookplate is 101 years-old! We've got a neighbor in the Rush Creek part of Worthington who is the oldest person in America and is over 100 years-old. We wondered if she was in this club or knew Dorothy Ward.

We observed that the handwriting on this letter is very fancy in an old fashioned way. When we read the transcription we found out that it was a very, very, very very, long sentence. (It's called a run-on sentence an adult told us.) We got out of breath reading it aloud. We learned that this letter was sent and given to and by people that are famous to Worthington's community.

We chose to include this on our scrapbook page because we thought it was interesting that these objects prove that Native Americans lived here in Worthington. We noticed that the rocks were a variety of colors and we thought they were probably different types of rock. There were many different shapes of arrowheads and we wondered if they were made by the same person. We were curious as to whether the arrowheads were used in a war. We thought some of them might be fossils. We were amazed that these rocks were so old.

We saw this shape and thought it was interesting. We did the math and found out that this letter is 189 years old! When we read the transcription of the writing we found out it was a Valentine poem that rhymed. We are confused because we know Rachel P. Cooke made the knot poem but we think George Harlow Griswold wrote her a message back because his signature is on the bottom of the same page. We think the handwriting is "fancy schmancy." We wondered if they really did get married. (We all sang the wedding song while talking about these people!) We think Valentine's Day is fun because you can show people you love them by giving them cards and gifts.