Worthington High School Class Composite


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Worthington High School Class Composite is a picture, with genre photograph. Its dimensions are 11 in. x 13.75 in..

It was created in 1956.

Worthington Schools is the Creator.

Students are identified in this graduate composite as (first row) Russ Mann President, Phil Tangemen Vice President, Fred Alban, Dallas Aleshire, Richard Bachelor, Nancy Chambers, Richard Allen, Alice Andes, Claudette Anelich, James Bailey, Mary Barber, Sue Stinchome Secretary, Frank Sensel Treasurer; (second row) Sandra Baker, Carol Beaver, Dan Boucher, Douglas Breech, Glen Brigner, Kevon Bruno, Ethel Butler, Dan Chapman, Bill Kelly, Nancy Barnette Barbara Bohn, Charles Boorman, Linda Campbell, Tom Coddington, Bob Cook, Joan Cooper, Phil Davis, Carol Dayton, Haldane Dosher; (third row) Lawrence Chapman, Esther Chasteen, Sylvia Cligrow, Polly Cochran, Sally Conner, Caroline Corbin, Ann Fisher, Joan Furnis, Anne Kibler, Dick Drenan, Julie Elder, Dotty Fouts, Bruce Garver, Dick Goins, Nancy Greenwald, Lewis Hard, Joyce Hulls, Naomi Jeffrey, Jim Johnston; (fourth row) Diane Gerald, Bill Guthery, Dave Hansel, Carolyn Kayner, John Kistler, Stephannie Kreider, Sarah Luck, Barbara Malody, Sue Sommers, Carole Koepke, Janice Krusinger, Barbara Laing, Josie Langstaff, Rick Larson, LAurene Leasure, Donna Longshore, Barbara Matthews, Ruth Ann Mercer, Bonnie Miller; (fifth row) Shirley Mann, Jim McClanahan, Roberta McElwee, Dan Milhon, Peggy Miller, Nancy Mosher, Richard Nudd, Bob Hartman, Ann Mason, Carol Morse, Jann Moser, Robert Nelson, Gay Ortheefer, Glenn Osborn, Barbara Porter, Zaiga Priede, Tom Roberts, Stan Robinett, Stormy Savage; (sixth row) Jim Russell, Buddy Sanford, A. V. Shirk, Jo Ann Smith, Sue Taylor, Bill Thissen, Kathy Thomas, Clarence Robinson, Curtis Binion, Mary Kay Schaal, Burt Schwab, Jim Sevy, Sue Shidaker, Dave Shuster, Sylvia Slatter, Pam Smith, Sandy Smith, Tish Stover, Warren Strange; (seventh row) Gerry Trautman, Van Volk, Tim White, Carl Wick, Cinda Willson, Judy Wilson, Dick Zipf, Molly Tarbutton, Sally Taylor, Ginny Thrall, Dick Todd, Paul Treece, Bill Vance, Nancy VanVoorhis, Steve Ward, Diane Weate, Bill Weese, Jerry Wellman and Jerry Yaeger.

It covers the topic students.

It features the organization Thomas Worthington High School.

It covers the city Worthington.

You can find the original at Worthington Schools.

This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.

The Worthington Memory identification code is wsa0030.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on February 21, 2003. It was last updated November 17, 2017.