By-Laws and Resolutions of the Grand Lodge of Ohio


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By-Laws and Resolutions of the Grand Lodge of Ohio is text, with genre pamphlet. Its dimensions are 7.5 in x 5 in. It is 9 pages long.

It was created in December 1820.

Grand Lodge of Ohio F & AM is the Creator. Grand Lodge of Ohio Masonic Museum is the Contributor.

These by-laws and resolutions were adopted by the Grand Lodge of Ohio at their Annual Communications in 1820, held in Columbus. New England Lodge No. 4 and all other Masonic Lodges in the state are governed by The Grand Lodge of Ohio, which serves as the legislative body. John Snow, of New England Lodge No. 4 served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at the time these resolutions were adopted.

It covers the topic freemasons.

It features the person John Snow, 1780-1852.

It features the organization Grand Lodge of Ohio F & AM.

It covers the cities Worthington and Columbus.

You can find the original at Grand Lodge of Ohio Masonic Museum.

This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg2000.

The Grand Lodge of Ohio Masonic Museum identification code is 0163.

The Worthington Memory identification code is nel0008_001.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on July 21, 2003. It was last updated October 6, 2017.