When I Was Young in Worthington: 1800s The Routs


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When I Was Young in Worthington: 1800s The Routs is text, with genre student work and drawing. Its dimensions are 8.5 in. x 11 in.. It is 12 pages long.

It was created in May 2003.

Granby Elementary School is the Contributor.

Granby Elementary School sixth grade classes created fictional illustrated books chronicling children's experiences in Worthington during each decade between 1800 and 1990. The book, "When I Was Young in the Mountains" by Cynthia Rylant was used to facilitate discussions of contemporary life experiences of children in Worthington. Students worked in small groups to do historical research about a specific decade, and then wrote their stories. The focus of this book is the decade 1800 to 1809.

It covers the topics elementary schools, art and centennial celebrations.

It covers the cities Worthington and Columbus.

You can find the original at Granby Elementary School.

This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg2000.

The Worthington Memory identification code is ges0001_001.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on June 18, 2003. It was last updated October 6, 2017.