Edward F. Sullivan, 1930-2001

Edward F. Sullivan  was born Wednesday, April 9, 1930 in New York, New York .

he died Sunday, March 4, 2001. his recorded age was 70.

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Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
William R. Evans (Author)
Lisa Baumann (Author)
Tom Comer (Author)
Debbie Comer (Author)
Edward F. Sullivan, 1930-2001 (Author)
Peter J. Haff (Author)
Donald J. McCabe (Author)
Tom Davis (Author)
Quality for Kids Committee (Author)
Wednesday, October 4, 1989
news item

Levy hurts seniors

Worthington News
Edward F. Sullivan, 1930-2001 (Author)
Wednesday, October 24, 1990
news item

Fixed Incomes In Fix

Worthington News
Edward F. Sullivan, 1930-2001 (Author)
Wednesday, January 30, 1991