Lucy A. Phelps (née Cleveland), 1866-1915

Lucy A. Phelps (née Cleveland)  was born Wednesday, April 25, 1866 in WORTHINGTON, Ohio .

she died Thursday, August 5, 1915. her recorded age was 49.

Obituary from "Westerville Public Opinion," August 12, 1915

Lucy Cleveland Phelps Dead
The many Worthington friends of Mrs. Lucy Cleveland Phelps will grieve to learn of her sudden death at Grant hospital in Columbus last Thursday, following an operation for tumor the proceeding Monday. The deceased was the wife of Hector N. Phelps, of 141 Nashoba avenue, Columbus, and the daughter of Mrs. N. M. Cleveland of Chaseland. She was born and raised in Worthington and was a graduate of the local schools. She is survived by her husband, two sons and two daughters, and by her mother, two sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held at the Cleveland home 1:30 Monday afternoon. Rev. P.E. White of Indianola Methodist church officiation. Internment was made at Greenlawn.

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