Robert Thomas Hale, Sr., 1932-2019

Robert Thomas Hale, Sr.  was born Monday, February 15, 1932 in Columbus, Ohio .

he died Thursday, March 7, 2019. his recorded age was 87.

he was a veteran  of the Army and served in the Korean War.

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news item

Two arrested

Worthington News
Thursday, February 27, 1975
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
Kay Keller (née Arndt) (Author)
Robert Thomas Hale, Sr., 1932-2019 (Author)
Louise Robinson (née Thompson), 1918-2002 (Author)
Wednesday, December 21, 1988
news item

Thank you, Chief

Worthington News
Sam Allred (Author)
Wednesday, June 13, 1990
news item


Worthington News
Wednesday, May 8, 1991